
Thursday, October 8, 2009

September 24, 2009
being busy.
well yesterday I traded 10 dozen chicken eggs, for 6 jars of the Best jalapeno green pepper jam. Yum!!! just get out some cream cheese/crackers and the jam and yummy! Also, you can use cream cheese/jam rolled in a flour tortilla and place uncut in the refrigerator for 1 hour. When you take them out, they are more fluffier, so cut them and enjoy.
Ok, so early this morning, around 6ish, i was putting laundry the washer, and heard the feed bag area where we store everything with the dog and cat food, crinkle. I was thinking could it be that mouse, whom is pooping all over the entire house. I found poop in my scrapbook room, kitchen counters, snack cupboards(gross) and then on the floor, behind the refrig, stove and between cabinets. Yikes that darn mouse. So, sure enough, it was him as I went to scoop some feed, he was winding 100 miles per house inside the bag as I got out the scooper and the modular mate container. I caught that bugger once and for all and throw him in that container and feed out the chickens. He got away of coarse, as i was going to make Rautouille. LOL he used to crunch on a dropped but, I couldn't get it at the time, corn tortilla behind the refrigerator. I was thinking that

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